Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thirst for writing.....

Every one in his lifetimes yearns for something....something big/enormous/extraordinary/amazing/worth noticing...perhaps many more adjectives would need to be used to describe wat a normal human being yearns for in his entire lifetime. So....wats so great about would say is there anything wrong in wishing good about oneself.....why am I raising this point here...when the posting has been titled "THIRST FOR WRITING" whats the connection???????

Connection is very hazy....but is there...and a little bit weird too...perhaps you might even leave this blog halfway and forget abt it....but i dont care cause more than caring abt if someones gonna read this or not....I care wat makes me write it...

My thirst to write something...makes me write is this thirst to do something different to be some place different to own something different makes you yearn for things in your lifetime....its this thirst...and thats the connection...

I have this thirst inside me...I want to write...I aspire to write about absolutely everything I know and wanna know...I aspire to have this thirst to write about everything that goes inside me...every thought every wish...every can say I wanna pen myself down.....

Thats wat I yearn for...thats wat my ambition is is said to be a good writer you should read a lot...yeah perhaps its true...but somehow...I am not that good at following instructions or niches or cliches watever you call them...I never follow the rules...not always...I dont know why...but I dont...

In this movie "Akeelah and the Bee"...this thirteen year old girl mentions of a very heart hitting fact...She says "No matter wat you matter how hard you always get this feeling that something is not rt...something is out of place...perhaps that something is me myself...a feeling that you are out of simply dont belong here no matter how adaptive you may be..."

I feel it it okk or is that indicative of something being wrong with me i donot know...but it has one good keeps my thirst alive...and makes it more and more strong...cause it triggers a feeling of seeing myself in the rt if I am that lost piece of a jigsaw puzzle in search of the rt compatibility.....perhaps in someway we all are...the only difference is we dont realize...We all together complete the puzzle...and to find the rt place we are yearning...

Yearning to get that rt spot which belongs to us.....and complete the puzzle....complete the bigger picture......

Keep that thirst alive...but for the rt you land up to your own correct spot...I do not really know what i achieved with this article....its just like a train of thoughts I tried to put together....perhaps in a disordered manner...with the engine in the middle....hoping the real trains-man would understand setting the train in order...