Sunday, January 10, 2010


its been a long time since i wrote anything in my blog. thats the reason i had nothing in my mind as to what exactly i would be writing about. much has happened in the times between while i was away. god graced me with motherhood then along came my twins and now all my mind is occupied is what the next is to come forth with the many challenges i have to tackle with my two little ones. mornings are busy, afternoons just buzz by and the evenings bring in the lullabies. and so forth......

but today i made an attempted stop and decided to put in something in my blog to not let myself just droll away with the busybees of my life. i have no idea what this writing is going to be about but just am going to jot down words, sentences or stanzas may be as they occur to me in my otherwise baby numb brain.

routines are set, days are planned not even a minute is there where i can plan something i can enjoy for myself. not that i feel bad about plunging into motherhood but its just too much a herculean task than what i had anticipated and this is just the beginning wait till you see them transform into the genX teens of tomorrow whoooooooowwww!!!!!!

well its been up my mind of trying to write something or about some issue some place or some incident rather some damn thing in my blog but i could never possibly decide what i would be writing about. hope you may not be wondering about my title "NONE" cause there isnt anything specific i am enlightening in here this time.

the other thing i have been doing which may appear a bit weird to many or even ridiculous to most considering that i am only 28, is i have started reading about pilgrimages in india. I have even set a goal of visiting most of these places in coming 7 years.

Life is very general, nothing substantial have i achieved intellectually, critically or in any other meaningful way.....

As the world goes by crashing and recovering from recession, people fighting swine flu, protesting against unfairness in the government systems, and while others are busy catching that important game or movie and while some are busy making their livelihood most of the mothers like me are tucked away into this mesmerizing sometimes shocking and sometimes frustrating task of raising our future "HOMO SAPIENS"