Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Knowledge is wealth

I am writing in this blog after a long time now..........perhaps didn't invent any new ideas lately....if invention was so simple everyone would be an inventor. Many new things I got to learn between the period I wrote my last post and this one..........new facts, new information, new ideas, new data....

I read and perceived such an amount of newness around me.......that I feel I am still a Kindergarten kid learning his basics........I guess we all are always learning new things the only difference is how many of us ponder or marvel over new things learnt.
Recently I came across Yahoo Answers, Ask Yahoo......its amazing what they have in there.....questions right from your day to day living up till complicated phenomenon are answered there....Not only that but Yahoo answers enables you to answer questions asked by other people and you earn points everytime you answer.......it truly can be viewed as a reach source of obtaining instant knowledge on various subjects which otherwise will take you years together to learn about.

Knowledge truly in itself is a magical weapon/phenomenon, when used in the right sense can make you win unsurpassable situations. Another power knowledge has is that it can trigger ideas inside you....Ideas....concepts......thoughts.......
The most important quality which you develop due to knowledge is the ability to apply it and develop analytical thought process. Analytical thinking is an important part of your intellect and can help you overcome troubled situations......It can make you understand complex ideas.......make you ponder over strange things.........trigger your brain to think outside the box.
Today it is said that mass circulation or free access of Internet has caused more harm than any good....well few instances do prove misuse of Internet, but again just like knowledge......its sources if used wisely can make a dramatic difference in your life.
This proves that the derived inherits its attributes from the origin..........no wonder the sources of knowledge differ not much from the knowledge itself. But again its all in the hands of the user. You always get back what you asked for.
Below are few useful and great links which I guess you already may be aware of but still I will be glad to share them with you:
http://www.wikipedia.org/ --- Online Encyclopedia

http://finance.yahoo.com/personal-finance ---- Good articles on personal finance

http://ask.yahoo.com/ ---- questions on many topics answered

http://answers.yahoo.com/ ----questions asked and answered by yahoo users

http://www.w3schools.com/ ---- For Developers

http://www.entrepreneur.com/ ----- For entrepreneurs

1 comment:

vijay said...

Knowledge is a awesome topic to discuss. knowledge is power and knowledge is wisdom .. If you have knowledge even a layman can become a billionare ... I would like to quote one real life example who with his knowledge on how to do business has built a dynasty on his own tat is none other than Dhirubhai Ambani . He started off in a small cloth shop which was around 70 by 70 in the streets of mumbai and went to become one of the richest person in india. With the help of knowledge he was able to predict the forthcomin scenarios in business ..

What is knowledge ??. To me "Its a collection of meaningful data which can be used to make life better" , at the same time half knowledge is always dangerous .

Today people have instant access to the internet where we have the world of knowledge which can be used to build an empire or to destroy an empire . its all in the hands of the person who is gettin the knowledge . right from how to prepare a bomb to how to create a speech recognition robot is available in the net . we have the world of knowledge in our desktop its all in our hands of how we wanted to use it .

Regarding the yahoo answers mentioned by the author . we also have google answers which also serves the same purpose .

Internet is such a wonderful place where we can share knowledge and get knowledge . you get the oppurtunity to meet the experts in the fields which is unimaginable in real world .

We have it ,lets use it to make a better place to live .